Christmas at Samaritans Giving Trees

Giving Tree image

Giving Trees

Samaritans Giving Trees help to provide gifts and food for families who might otherwise wake up to a Christmas morning without any gifts under the tree or are unable to share the Christmas spirit.

Last year, Samaritans Giving Trees provided more than 2,500 gifts for local families.

This extraordinary achievement is thanks to the generosity of organisations, schools, parishes, and individuals who continue to support our Christmas Appeal.

Over the past few weeks, it has been heartwarming to welcome both new and returning supporters of this important program.

In 2024, we've offered our supporters the opportunity to host a physical tree or to donate a virtual gift via our online giving platform.

While we look forward to collecting the vast array of gifts that now wait under our Giving Trees, it isn’t too late to make a donation.

Where to donate: Giving Tree locations

We have the following public locations where you can donate direct to a Samaritans Christmas Giving Tree:

  • Samaritans and Hit 106.9 Giving Tree at Charlestown Square near Santa photos and Rebel Sport
  • City of Newcastle Council Chambers
  • Lake Macquarie Council Chambers

Keep an eye on the list as we add more locations!

Giving Tree gift ideas

Not sure what to donate? Download a list of suggested gift ideas.