Volunteer Registration for Singleton
Singleton Volunteer Registration Form
Christmas Lunch in Singleton by Samaritans is one of the region's longest running Christmas Day events. We aim to offer individuals and families experiencing homelessness, disadvantage or loneliness, much needed compassion on Christmas Day.
2022 has been another difficult year for many people but it has also been a year of hope and excitement as lockdowns were lifted and we were able to see our friends and family more easily. This year we want to celebrate and enjoy all the amazing things about Christmas that we haven’t been able to the last couple of years.
Our Christmas lunch will be back in its usual form and we can’t wait to spend Christmas Day with hundreds of friendly faces once again.
Samaritans requires all our volunteers to complete a free Working With Children Check (WWCC). This step is an important part of Samaritans volunteering policy and is necessary for all volunteers, including those who only volunteer with us for a short time.
You may already have a WWCC number and if so, please provide your number when completing our volunteer registration form.
If you need help to apply, renew or update your WWCC click here.